How to Update MariaDB on XAMPP

Last update: December 19, 2024

Updating MariaDB on XAMPP might seem daunting, but with the right approach, it’s a straightforward process. In this guide, I'll walk you through how to upgrade MariaDB to the latest version on your XAMPP installation.

1. Check Your Current MariaDB Version

First, open phpMyAdmin from your XAMPP control panel to verify your current MariaDB version. For instance, my setup shows MariaDB version 10.4.3, which I'll update in this tutorial.

2. Download the Latest MariaDB Version

  1. Head over to the official MariaDB website and click on the Download button.
  2. On the download page, select Show all files.
  3. Choose your operating system (e.g., Windows).
  4. Download the zip archive without the debug symbols—it’s smaller and quicker to download.

3. Prepare for the Update

After downloading the ZIP file:

  1. Extract its contents.
  2. Place the extracted files in an accessible location (e.g., your desktop) for now.

4. Backup and Prepare XAMPP

Before making changes to your MySQL setup:

  1. Open the XAMPP Control Panel and stop both MySQL and Apache to avoid conflicts during the update.
  2. Navigate to your XAMPP installation folder (e.g., C:\xampp).
  3. Locate the mysql folder inside this directory and rename it to mysql_old.

5. Create a New MySQL Folder

  1. In your XAMPP directory, create a new folder named mysql.
  2. Copy the contents you extracted from the MariaDB ZIP archive into this new mysql folder. There are a lot of files there, so it might take a minute.

6. Transfer Configuration Files and Scripts

To ensure your updated MariaDB setup works seamlessly:

  1. Open the renamed mysql_old folder and locate the following files and folders:
    • Files: install_service, uninstall_service, reset_root
    • Folders: backup, scripts
  2. Copy these items into the new mysql folder.

7. Copy the Configuration File

  1. In both the old and new mysql folders, open the bin directories.
  2. From the old folder, copy the file my.ini and paste it into the bin folder of the new mysql directory.

8. Create and Populate the Data Folder

  1. Inside the new mysql folder, create a new folder named data.
  2. From the old mysql_old folder, open the backup directory.
  3. Copy all the folders (not individual files) from the backup directory and paste them into the new data folder.

9. Restart XAMPP Services

  1. Return to the XAMPP Control Panel and start both Apache and MySQL.
  2. Open your browser, navigate to phpMyAdmin, and refresh the page.

10. Verify the Update

Once phpMyAdmin loads, you should see that your MariaDB version has been updated to the latest release. ad


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